General Information
Full Researcher and Professor at the Instituto Oswaldo Cruz (IOC, Fiocruz), the Brazilian National Research Council (CNPq) and Faperj (RJ). Head of the Laboratório de Pesquisa em Malária (IOC, Fiocruz) and of the Centro de Pesquisa, Diagnóstico e Treinamento em Malária of the Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde, Brazilian Ministry of Health. Academician of the National Academies of Medicine of Brazil and France
Full Researcher and Professor at the Instituto Oswaldo Cruz (IOC, Fiocruz), the Brazilian National Research Council (CNPq) and Faperj (RJ). Vice Head of the Laboratório de Pesquisa em Malária (IOC, Fiocruz) and of the Centro de Pesquisa, Diagnóstico e Treinamento em Malária of the Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde, Brazilian Ministry of Health.
To join PhD and MSc students from laboratories all over Brazil with researchers from the Instituto Oswaldo Cruz and from other national and foreign institutions, to discuss their projects and the results of ongoing thesis centered on malaria. In between the students’ presentations, Senior Scientists hold conferences to raise historical and state-of-the-art information concerning the various areas of malariology.
We will receive applications until 2nd August, 2024 via a form available in the site of the event. The priority for selection will be based on origin of students (Amazonian Institutions first), MSc projects at first year and PhD students at their 2nd year of thesis development, supervisors having participated formerly at the SL&D and productivity of the Supervisor. Only one student per Laboratory will be selected.
A message confirming inscription will be sent by the Seminar organization within two working days. If you do not receive it, please contact:
Besides the application in which the supervisor must inform of his authorization and agreement to the project presentation in the SL&D, it is requested that upon application acceptance, the supervisor send a declaration stating that he has seen and approved the material for presentation (slides and project). This declaration will be collected upon boarding the bus destined for Itacuruçá from Fiocruz. No SL&D students will be accepted with pending documentation.
Since foreign colleagues will be present, it is strongly recommended that the presentation of the project be in English. The students will have a maximum of 10 minutes for the presentation, eight minutes after which he will be warned of the remaining time. Successively, the discussion will begin and will last for 40 minutes. The slides must obligatorily be in English and should include, as footnotes, the names of the student and the supervisor followed by the mention of Seminário Laveran & Deane and the year (e.g.: Zanini & Daniel-Ribeiro, Seminário Laveran & Deane 2003). The discussion will be conducted in Portuguese.
The student will be committed, at the time of his application acceptance, to send a copy of his thesis in which he will mention his participation in the SL&D.
Post-graduation students carrying out research projects in malaria, preferably in their initial phase of development, are potential applicants. We will accept projects in the areas of molecular or cellular biology of the parasite or its host, immunology, pathology, clinics, therapeutics, epidemiology, vector control and transmission as well as on social aspects of the disease. The choice of the guest Professors and reporters is contingent upon their competence and specialties to allow a wide range of expertise, providing the Seminário with ultimate capability for discussion of different malariology themes.
(SL&D participants having different categories and duties):
Student – student who has submitted, up to the deadline, an application to present of his/her thesis’ project in the SL&D and passed the screening.
Auditor – by appointment, only. The Coordination of the Seminários might invite a graduation post-graduation student, who has not developed a project yet, to participate in the SL&D as a preparation to participate as a regular student in one of the next editions of the Seminário.
“Starter” – student appointed to initiate the discussion of a students presentation with questions and comments, right after the presentation of a project. The Starter is a student who will not present his/her project on that morning or afternoon. All students play the role of starter at one time or another. The starter receives by email the project, in which he/she must function as a Starter, in advance. Besides initiating the discussion, the starter must previously prepare (prior to the Seminário) a brief report (no more than one page) with his/her opinions and suggestions for the project. He/she must, also, record (as all the students must) the opinions and suggestions arising during the discussion of the project under his/her responsibility. The final report of the presentation, complemented with this information, will serve as a guide for the discussion groups
Reporter – The Coordinators of the Seminário might invite younger scientists, that could have participated as a PhD student with outstanding participation in previous SL&D editions, to act as reporter. Since 2002, the students, the reporters, and the professors participating throughout the year vote to choose students with reporter potential. The main task of the reporter is to act together with the professors and follow up, review and consolidate the writing of the report of each group discussion. The reporter is liable for the implementation of a report for each discussion of his/her group, based on a model previously designed by the SL&D coordination and forwarded to the reporter before the commencement of the Seminário. In addition, the reporter is in charge of assuring the accuracy, the organization, and the efficiency of the reports given to the administrative support sector. The Coordinators of the Seminário might invite a reporter to give a speech.
Professor – researcher invited to act as senior in the SL&D for the review and the evaluation of the projects presented, to contribute with methodology improvement and optimization of results.
Head Professor – The Coordination will appoint three professors to conduct the group discussions (one professor per group), supervising, and reviewing the implementation of the Reporters’ reports.
Lecturer – professor or reporter invited to lecture one of the four conferences in the SL&D.
Tutor – every professors and reporters will have, under their supervision, one or two students, each. The Tutor must read the students’ projects (sent by email before the arrival at Itacuruçá) and provide the setting for the discussions held both during the scheduled time and during the breaks in between activities. The tutor ought to contribute to and monitor the implementation of the student’s final report.
The tutors are responsible, also, for the implementation of a proposal for the Professors’ final report, consolidating the three-group reports of their students’ projects. i.e. for each student, the (two) tutors receive the three-group discussion reports, on the day of the student’s presentation, and consolidate these reports yielding a single report, which will undergo approval during the Professors’ final meeting. For this activity, we will specify a reserved schedule every night.
There are two types of groups, one with professors and reporters (a, b g) and the other with the students (x, y, z). We will notify the composition of each group in the final program of the Seminário. The interaction between professors (a, b g) and students (x, y, z) occurs as each group of students holds two discussion meetings with each group of professors during the Seminário.
Every day, there will be two discussion sections (with three professor/student discussion groups’ meetings) by the end of the morning and afternoon, in plenary modules. During each (professor/student discussion groups) meeting, the reporter must register (in legible handwriting, and identifying the group) the suggestions, the comments and the opinions of the group (on the project and the student presentation) to assist the implementation of the report. The administrative support sector will receive and type the three reports on each project, and they will undergo revision by the reporters and further delivery to the respective student and to his/her tutors. The students, upon receiving the three reports (from each discussion group), must implement a final report for their own projects, handling the comments and suggestions, and deliver it to the administrative support sector before the end of the Seminário.
Before the final discussion, professors and students will meet separately. The professors will consolidate the comments on each project and the students will discuss, among themselves, their final reports. If one of the Professors is, also, a thesis supervisor, he/she will leave the room during the consolidation of the comments related to project he/she supervises. The students, the Professors, and the reporters will complete a Seminário’s evaluation form at the end of the Event.
The participants (researchers and students) gather for five days (four full days), during the presentation and the discussion of the thesis’ projects and the conferences.
The evaluation of each project takes place immediately after its presentation, to contribute for the improvement of the projects’ methodologies. The Starter mandatorily triggers the discussion of the presented project. Before the interference of any of the researchers, the participation of the students is strongly stimulated. Only after we deem the student participation as satisfactory, the researchers might join the discussion. This dynamics intends to encourage the improvement of critical evaluation skills, and the analytical spirit of the students. The students’ comments become thereafter priority, even after the time of Senior interventions arrive.
>NOTE: As an award for the participation of the students in the conferences and group discussions, at the end of the Seminário the professors and reporters will vote to elect the most interactive student presenting the most pertinent contributions. The two students receiving the higher number of votes might participate as reporters in subsequent SL&D events.
Group meetings composed of students, professors and reporters take place after each morning or afternoon sessions, enabling a more profound analysis and discussion of the projects.
The reporter prepares, and carefully reviews, after typing, reports incorporating the suggestions, evaluations, and opinions on the projects presented in each module (morning or afternoon). The revised reports will base the implementation of a consolidated (Professors’) final report for each project. The student author receives the Professors’ reports on the last day of the Seminário, for further analysis and discussion with his/her supervisor. In addition, each student, considering the comments issued by the three individual group meetings discussing his/her project, implements his/her own final report. Both student's and professors' reports are forwarded, also, to the agencies sponsoring the event.