XXII Seminário Laveran & Deane
18th to 22th September 2017
Itacuruçá – Rio de Janeiro
Cláudio Tadeu Daniel Ribeiro
Organizers: Cláudio Tadeu Daniel Ribeiro and Maria de Fátima Ferreira da Cruz
Invited Professors
Antônio Basílio de Miranda (IOC, Fiocruz,RJ)
Antônio Guilherme Fonseca Pacheco (PROCC, Fiocruz, RJ)
Cassio Roberto Leonel Peterka (CGPNCMD/DEVIT/SVS/MS,BSB)
Christian Roussilhon (Institut Pasteur, France)
Didier Menard (Institut Pasteur, Cambodja)
Dóra Chor (ENSP, Fiocruz, RJ)
Fábio Trindade Maranhão Costa (Unicamp, SP)
Hiro Goto (USP, SP)
Joseli de Oliveira Ferreira (IOC, Fiocruz, RJ)
Stephane Pelleau (Inst. Pasteur Guyane, French Guyane)
Wuelton Marcelo Monteiro (FMT-AM, AM)
Rapporteurs Professors
Flávia Lima Ribeiro Gomes (IOC, Fiocruz,RJ)
Izabel Cristina dos Reis (IOC, Fiocruz,RJ)
Sheila Rodrigues Rodovalho (CGPNCMD/DEVIT/SVS/MS,BSB)
Jessica Azevedo Waterman (IOC, Fiocruz, RJ)
Luana Santos de Oliveira (IOC, Fiocruz, RJ)
Lucas Freire Antunes (IOC, Fiocruz, RJ)
Thalita Ferraz Marques da Cunha (IOC, Fiocruz, RJ)
Claudia Castro Carvalho
Ivone Luci Ventura Martins
3h00 pm: Departure from Rio de Janeiro - campus of Fiocruz
5h30 pm : Arrival at the Hotel Pierre – Itacuruçá
6h30 pm: Welcome speech, introduction of students and professors, distribution of documents and identification cards.
Professor Cláudio Tadeu Daniel-Ribeiro and Maria de Fátima Ferreira da Cruz
7h00 pm : Opening Conference – National Malária Control Program: Challenges from Control to Elimination
Prof. Cássio Leonel Peterka (CGPNCMD/DEVIT/SVS/MS)
8h15 pm : Cocktail and dinner
7h30- 8h30 am: Breakfast
8h30-8h55 am: Conference: Artemisinin and partner drugs resistances from phenotype to genotype. Prof. Didier Ménard (Institut Pasteur, Cambodja)
9h00-9h25 am: Conference: Primaquine-induced hemolysis as a chalenge to malaria elimination. Prof. Wuelton Monteiro (Univ. Estado do Amazonas, AM)
9h30–10h20 am: Presentation of the MSc student Lise Maria Carvalho Mendes – Migrant women and malaria in risky areas of mining exploration in the international brazilian-french border.
10h20-10h40 am: Coffee break
10h40–11h30 am: Presentation of the MSc student Xiomara Alexandra Gaitán – Expression, purification and immunological analysis of P. berghei MTRAP.
11h30 am-12h30 pm: Discussion of αx, βy e ɣz groups
12h30 pm: Lunch
2h30–3h20 pm: Presentation of the MSc student Maiara Nascimento de Lima – Effects of cell therapy in neurogenesis and deficit cognitive in experimental model of cerebral malária.
3h20 pm–4h10pm: Presentation of the MSc student Larissa Medeiros dos Anjos – Effect of caffeine in murine model of cerebral malaria induced by infection by Plasmodium berghei (ANKA).
4h10–4h30 pm: Coffee break
4h30–5h20 pm: Presentation of the PhD student Marcelo Augusto Mota Brito – Cellular and transcriptional changes in human bone marrow during anemia related to Plasmodium vivax malária.
5h20–6h20 pm: Discussion of αz, βx e ɣy groups
8h00 pm: Dinner
7h30 – 8h30 am: Breakfast
8h30–8h55 am: Conference : Emergence and evolution of P. falciparum drug resistance: focus on South America, Prof. Stephane Palleau, (Inst. Pasteur de la Guyane, French Guyane)
9h00-9h25 am: Conference: Example of a multicenter study: rigorous organization, setting parameters and protocols. Prof. Hiro Goto (Universidade de São Paulo, SP)
9h30–10h20 am: Presentation of the MSc student Anne Caroline Alves Meireles – Anophelic density in localities with malaria foci in urban and periurban areas of Porto Velho, Rondônia.
10h20–10h40 am: Coffee break
10h40–11h30 am: Presentation of the MSc student José Diego de Brito Sousa – Safety and efficacy of different primaquine regimens on vivax malária treatment in glucose-6-phospate dehydrogenase deficient patients.
11h30 am–12h30 pm: Discussion of αy, βz e ɣ x groups
12h30 pm: Lunch
2h00–2h50 pm: Presentation of the MSc student Kamila Voges – Functional characterisation of the Anopheles darlingi complemente system and its role on anti-Plasmodium vivax responses.
2h50–3h40 pm: Presentation of the MSc student Lais Camoese Salla – Transmission dynamics of Plasmodium vivax in an urban area of the Brazilian Amazon: spatial and temporal analysis.
3h40–4h30 pm: Discussion of αx, βy e ɣz groups
4h30–4h50 pm: Coffee break
4h50–5h40 pm: Presentation of the MSc student Bruna Martins Meireles – Factors associated with malaria in indigenous populations, Amazonas (2007 to 2016).
5h40–6h30 pm: Presentation of the MSc student Késsia Caroline Souza Alves – Evaluation of humoral response stimulated by recombinant probiotic containing P. falciparum protein MSP1-19.
6h30–7h30 pm: Discussion of αz, βx e ɣy groups
8h30 pm: Dinner
7h30 – 8h30 am: Breakfast
8h30–9h20 am: Presentation of the PhD student Flávia Fernandes da Silveira – Synthesis of new triazolopyrimidine and pyrazolopyrimidine derivatives with potential anti-P. falciparum activity.
9h20–10h10 am: Presentation of the MSc student Débora Aline S. Nascimento – Supplementation of larvae and adult diets of Anopheles darlingi (Diptera: culicidae) with vitamins and minerals.
10h10–10h30 am: Coffee break
10h30–11h20 am: Presentation of the MSc student Marcinete Latorre Almeida – In vitro, ex vivo and in vivo evaluation of the antimalarial effects of cinnamic acid derivatives.
11h20am–12h10 pm: Presentation of the PhD student Camila Raquel R. Barbosa – Elucidation of the antigen-presenting pathway and characterization of antigens presented for HLA class I by Plasmodium vivax infected reticulocytes.
12h10– 1h10pm : Discussion of αy, βx e ɣx groups
1h10 pm: Lunch
3h30 – 4h30 pm: Meeting of tutors and students
4h30 – 4h45 pm: Coffee break
4h45 – 6h45 pm: Meeting of professors for final discussion about the thesis projects and preparation of the final document with suggestions for the students. Meeting of students to prepare the final report taking into account suggestions received during the seminar.
6h45 – 8h00 pm: Consolidation of the final report on the thesis projects with the suggestions for the students (professors) and the students final reports. Filling evaluation forms.
8h00 pm: Dinner
7h30 – 8h30 am : Breakfast
8h30am-12h00 pm: Presentation of reports and final comments by students and professors. Discussion among professors and among students for critical analysis and profiting of the seminar. Certification.
12h00 pm: Lunch
2h00 pm: Departure to Rio de Janeiro (Fiocruz).