Past Seminar –  XXV Seminário Laveran & Deane

XXV Seminário Laveran & Deane
25th to 29th, September 2022
Itacuruçá – Rio de Janeiro

XXV Seminário Laveran & Deane

Cláudio Tadeu Daniel Ribeiro

Organizers: Cláudio Tadeu Daniel Ribeiro and
Maria de Fátima Ferreira da Cruz Senior

Antônio Guilherme Fonseca Pacheco (PROCC/Fiocruz, RJ)
Carlos Eduardo Tosta (UnB, DF)
Cristiana Ferreira Alves de Brito (Fiocruz, BH)
Filomeno Fortes (IHMT, Lisboa)
Georges Snounou (INSERM, France)
Giselle Maria Rachid Viana (IEC, Belém)
Leonardo José de Moura Carvalho (IOC/Fiocruz, RJ)
Lilian Rose Pratt-Riccio (IOC/Fiocruz, RJ)
Maria Anice Mureb Salum (USP, SP) Maria Goreti da Rosa Freitas (Geniac Ciência, Campinas)
Nathalie de Castro (HP, AP, Paris)
Ricardo Lourenço de Oliveira (IOC/Fiocruz, RJ)
Stephanie Blandin (Unistra, Paris)
Valérie Briand (INSERM, Bordeaux)

Invited Reporters:
Josué da Costa Lima-Júnior (IOC/Fiocruz, RJ)
Paulo Renato Rivas Totino (IOC/Fiocruz, RJ)
Yuri Chaves Martins (St Louis University)

National Malaria Program Representative:
Paola Barbosa Marchesini (CGZV, SVS-MS)

Secretary for Health Survaillance (SVS)
Ministry of Health,
Fundação Oswaldo Cruz
Instituto Oswaldo Cruz
French Government

Executive Secretary
Claudia Castro Carvalho

Administrative assistant
Cleven de Almeida dos Santos


Program 2022

3h00 pm: Departure from Rio de Janeiro - campus of Fiocruz

5h30 pm: Arrival at the Hotel Pierre – Itacuruçá

6h30 pm: Welcome speech, introduction of students and professors, distribution of documents and identification cards – Professors Cláudio Tadeu Daniel-Ribeiro and Maria de Fátima Ferreira da Cruz

7h00 pm: Opening Conference: A eliminação da malária no Brasil – Professor Gilberto Gilmar Moresco

8h15 pm: Cocktail and dinner

7h30 - 8h30 AM : Breakfast

8h30 - 9h30 AM : Conference: Malaria in Brazil: perspectives and challenges for its elimination – Paola Marchesini (CGVZ, SVS-Ministry of Health)

9h30 - 10h20 AM : Presentation of MSc student: Aline Marzano Miranda – Antibodies against the synthetic peptide p314 derived from Plasmodium vivax Merozoite Surface Protein 1 (PvMSP-1) as biomarkers of infection

10h20 - 10h40 AM : Coffee break

10h40 - 11h30 AM : Presentation of PhD student: Anne Caroline Alves Meireles – Anopheles mosquitoes in urban malaria foci at Porto Velho, Rondônia: natural infection by Plasmodium spp. and environmental characterization

11h30 am-12h30 pm: Discussion of αx, βy e ɣz groups

12h30 PM : Lunch

2h30 - 3h20 PM : Presentation of PhD student: Hugo Amorim dos Santos de Souza – Study of the potential of Plasmodium vivax metacaspase-1 (PvMCA1) as a potential therapeutic target in malaria: in vitro and in silico approaches

3h20 - 4h10 PM: Presentation of PhD student: Erika Gomez Martinez – Evaluation of Plasmodium vivax from treated patients able to
infect Anopheles darlingi and Anopheles aquasalis: Effect of different drug treatments on vector competence

4h10 - 4h30 PM : Coffee break

4h30 - 5h20 PM: Presentation of PhD student: Lucas Freire Antunes – The role of neutrophils in regulation of the immune response and development of experimental cerebral malaria

5h20–6h20 PM: Discussion of αz, βx e ɣy groups

8h00 PM: Dinner

7h30 - 8h30 AM: Breakfast

8h30h - 9h00 AM: Mini-conference – Anthropogenic landscape, biodiversity and malaria in the Brazilian Amazon – Maria Anice Sallum (USP)

9h00h - 9h30 AM : Mini-conference – What is the future of scientific publishing ?  Maria Goreti da Rosa Freitas (Ceniac, Campinas)

9h30 - 10h20 AM : Presentation of MSc student Eunice Brandão de Almeida – Study of the prevalence and diversity of wolbachia (rickeattsiales: rickettsiaceae) in Anopheles spp collected in Manaus and surroundings

10h20 - 10h40 AM : Coffee break

10h40 - 11h30 AM : Presentation of MSc student Jéssica de Oliveira Bonsanto Gonçalves – Plasmodium falciparum genomes surveillance: prevalence of pfhrp2 and pfhrp3 gene deletions in endemic areas of Brazil

11h30 am–12h30 pm: Discussion of αy, βz e ɣx groups

12h30 : 2h00 PM: Lunch

2h00 - 2h50 PM: Presentation of PhD student Mariana Pinheiro Alves Vasconcelos – Malaria and coinfections with viral hepatitis and intestinal parasites in a Yanomami indigenous area

2h50 - 3h40 PM: Presentation of MSc student: Welington da Silva Paula Nascimento – Antimalarial activity of the compound bi-triazol 8RJj on the assexual and sexual forms of Plasmodium spp.

3h40–4h30 pm: Discussion of αx, βy e ɣz groups

4h30–4h50 pm: Coffee break

4h50 - 5h40 PM : Presentation of MSc student: Jéssica Evangelista Araújo – Evaluation of malaria transmission blocking compounds in mosquito infections with Plasmodium vivax

5h40 - 6h30 PM: Presentation of MSc student: Keithy Wenny Plaster Lima – Implications of the genetic variability of Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium falciparum in the diagnosis of malaria

6h30–7h30 pm: Discussion of αz, βx e ɣy groups

8h30 pm: Dinner

7h30 - 8h30 AM: Breakfast

8h30 - 9h20 AM: Presentation of PhD student Letícia Guerra Morosini – Study of the PbANKA 1038800 gene of P. berghei as a potential target for blocking malaria transmission

9h20 - 10h10 AM: Presentation of PhD student Myrela Conceição Santos de Jesus – Parasite and host genetic factors associated with the immunopathogenesis of malaria by Plasmodium vivax in an endemic area of the Brazilian Amazon

10h10 - 10h30 AM: Coffee break

10h30 - 11h20 AM: Presentation of PhD student Laura Cordeiro Gomes – Malaria-induced inflammation: a novel pathway for cardiovascular disease

11h20 - 12h10 PM: Presentation of MSc student: Marina Edwiges Orefice Rangel – Investigation of the presence of Plasmodium spp in Anophelinae (Diptera: Culicidae) from Vale do Ribeira, South Eastern Atlantic Forest, State of São Paulo, Brazil

12h10- 1h10pm: Discussion of αy, βz e ɣx groups

1h10: Lunch

3h30 - 4h30 PM: Meeting of tutors and students

4h30 - 4h45 PM: Coffee break

4h45 - 6h45 PM: Meeting of professors for final discussion about the thesis projects and preparation of the final document with suggestions for the students. Time of students to prepare the final report taking into account suggestions received during the seminar

6h45 - 8h00 PM: Consolidation of the final report on the thesis projects with the suggestions for the students (professors) and the students’ final reports. Filling evaluation forms

8h00 PM: Dinner 

7h30 - 8h30 AM: Breakfast

8h30 - 12h00 PM : Final comments by students and professors. Discussion among professors and among students for critical analysis and profiting of the seminar. Certification

12h00 PM: Lunch 

Memorial Event for the 25 Years of the
Seminários Laveran & Deane (SL&D)
29th September - 1st October, 2022 

5h00 PM: Opening Ceremony

6h00 PM : Opening Conference – Moderator: Cláudio Tadeu Daniel Ribeiro

Why is a malaria vaccine elusive ? – Georges Snounou (CNRS, Paris)

8h00 PM : Welcome drink and Dinner

9h00 AM: Conference (20 minutes) – Moderator: Ricardo Lourenço de Oliveira

Variant antigens and adhesion phenotypes in vivax malaria – Letusa Albrecht (Fiocruz, Curitiba)

9h30 AM : Presentation of the III Laveran & Deane Award and candidates
Cláudio Tadeu Daniel-Ribeiro
Maria de Fátima Ferreira-da-Cruz

9h45 AM : Anne Caroline Campos Aguiar

10h05 AM : Denise Anete Madureira de Alvarenga

10h25 AM : Coffee break

10h35 AM : Rodrigo Nunes Rodrigues da Silva

10h55 AM : Meeting of the Award Evaluation Committee

12h00 : Lunch

2h00 PM : Conferences (20 minutes each)
Moderator: Dalma Maria Banic

Vascular dysfunction in cerebral malaria: recent advances and translational perspectives – Leonardo José de Moura Carvalho (Fiocruz, RJ)

2h30 PM : Manipulating mosquito/parasite interactions  Stephanie Blandin (Unistra, France)

3hh00 PM : Discussion

3h30 PM : Coffee break

4h00 PM – 5:30 PM: Mini-Conferences by Senior alumni (20 minutes each)
Moderator: Paulo Renato Rivas Totino (IOC, Fiocruz)

Scientific Research in Brazilian Amazon: challenges, insights and achievements – Giselle Rachid Viana (IEC, Belém)

The P. simium zoonotic malaria of Rio de Janeiro’s Atlantic Forest – Anielle de Pina Costa (UFF, Fiocruz)

Searching for transmission-blocking compounds – Daniel Bargieri (USP)

5:30 PM: Professor Emeritus Title Awarding Ceremony

6:30 PM – 8:00 PM: Poster Session, cocktail and Poster Award

8:30 PM: Dinner 

8h30 – 9h30 AM: Posthumous Tributes to
Professor Luiz Carlos da Silveira –  José Luiz M Nascimento, UFPA
Professor José Maria de Souza – Giselle Rachid Viana, IEC, SVS
Professor Wanderli Tadei – Maria Anice Sallum, USP
Professor Juliana de Meis – Adriana Bonomo, IOC, Fiocruz

9h30– 10h00 AM: Coffee break

10h00 – 11h00 AM: Announcement of the Laveran & Deane Award

11h00 – 12h00 AM: Conference
Moderator: Carlos Eduardo Tosta (UnB, Brasília)

The Laveran & Deane Seminars: a teaching experience impacting the quality of malaria research projects in Brazil since 1995
Cláudio Tadeu Daniel-Ribeiro (Fiocruz, RJ)

12:00 AM – 13:00 PM: Closing Ceremony

1h00 PM: Lunch

2h30 PM: Return to Rio de Janeiro

Photos by: Gutemberg Brito